Sunday 11 April 2010

It's been a while...

Hi everyone, I'm so sorry I've not blogged in so long! I've had all on at work but I've finally been a big girl and quit! There will still be reviews for the 'Naked' range coming soon, don't worry! But for now I'm going to do a quick review for Lush! Cosmetics.

I've recently gone from brown to blonde and one of my friends advised me to get a 'Purple or Silver shampoo' and she recommended Lush's! Daddy-O purple Shampoo! So I went into Nottingham a few days later and got one!

Despite being alittle pricey 8.60 for 250g! I still had to try some!

Thanks to Lush! website for the pictures.

This must be the BEST shampoo I've ever used. Firstly I use my normal shampoo for one wash then I use a small bit of Daddy-O for the second wash. Not only does it smell like sweets (and leaves it smelling of sweets until you next wash your hair) it makes your hair so so soft. I don't think I could live without this shampoo now and will always have one at hand in the shower.

I LOVE this also it's completly animal friendly and Vegan too!

If your ever needing new shampoo/soaps or care I'd pop into Lush! Close by there are stores in Nottingham, Meadowhall and Lincoln. For more stores visit the website and theres a list on there!

So thanks for checking this review, for more updates on myself check

But hopefully I will blog soon on here.

Also if your on Facebook search: 'Cookie Monster the Chihuahua' and become a fan of my little monster!

Thanks for checking this out and I'll write to you all soon. Have a good rest of your weekend.
Lauliz xx